CategoriesNews & Bulletin

Update of Website of WeaClim Solutions Pvt Ltd

Meaningful weather predictions are available on the company’s website  The predictions are based on NCEP GFS data for next fifteen days. And WRF Ver 4.2 Model for next four days. Few significant Aviation Weather Hazards are also available for the aviators to take notice of for smooth conduct of air operations.

Meteorological products generated are: Past 24hrs Rainfall, Total Convective Clouds along with Composite Reflectivity, Vorticity at 850hPa, Divergence at 200hPa, Maximum & Minimum Temperatures, Winds and temperatures at standard meteorological levels along with Mean Sea Level Pressure totalling to eleven meteorological parameters.

Nine geographical regions represented are: Africa, Australia, East Asia, Eurasia, Europe, India, North America, South America and the World per se.

Aviation Products generated are: Jet Streams at 200hPa, Icing at 600hPa and & 700hPa, Clear Air Turbulence at 200hPa, 300hPa, 400hPa and 500hPa.

Do visit the website and give your comments / suggestions for its further improvement.

Will look forward to your views and opinions.
