Air Commodore (Dr) Tarendra Prakash Srivastava is a veteran of the Indian Air Force who served in its Meteorological Branch for more than three decades. He is a Post Graduate in Mathematics, Satellite Meteorology & Global Climate, Financial Management and PhD in Meteorology. He specialises in Numerical Weather Prediction, Climatology and Statistical Analysis. As a meteorologist, he fulfils demands of the climate and weather information that has become more intricate in this era of climate change and actions related to mitigate of its adverse effects. The aim of establishing WeaClim Solutions Pvt Ltd is to apprise the populace on the predicted meteorological conditions using Climate & Weather Models. Once incorporated in their processes, this information will not only enhance the efficiency of the business houses, the industrial sectors and the government agencies but also boost climate action worldwide.
What is the problem the startup is solving?

The current generation is facing the consequences of climate change due to global warming. Seasons are going through their extremes as weather systems are becoming more intense and occurrence of high impact weather events has become more frequent across the world. Mitigating the effect of climate change through meaningful and effective climate action is the major problem that WeaClim Solutions Pvt Ltd will solve.
In this age of information with improved technology in communication, a dedicated web based portal is the most potent tool in achieving the objective of providing the weather based consultancy services. Weather and climate information can be easily provisioned through a web-portal to all our customers. Setting up of a dedicated website will be the first and foremost necessity of the company. Agencies involved in provisioning of the meteorological data have to be brought on board to resolve the weather predictions through numerical models. Technical team has to look into the infrastructure required in designing of hardware and functioning of software towards seamless flow of required data from original source to the end user. Most important role is that of company’s meteorological professionals who build up the database, process and provision it to the users in the required format. The web portal of the company provisions seamless weather services and acts as a major tool of connecting with the customers.
This company works in weather and environment. The forte of its functionality is its familiarity with Indian environment in the different geographical regions. It has an in-house dedicated team of ‘Meteocrats’ (Meteorologists and Technocrats) in generating viable project report for various types of weather and environmental glitches encountered by our customers. It provides cost effective implementable weather-related solutions which are executable by the customers.
How does your startup propose to solve this problem?
Educating the users and the general population on the Climatology of weather and how the predicted present atmospheric composition is changing the weather pattern and increasing the threat of existence of life on Earth. Making everyone, comprehend the effect of climate change due to global warming as it enhances involvement each and everyone of us towards mitigating the effects of climate change.
Updating the users through web based services on the prevailing and predicted weather pattern using Global Climate Models for long range climate trends and Mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction short and medium range trends of weather. This information and knowledge in turn will increase the awareness in the common population, the business houses, the industrial sectors and the Government in understanding their role and how they need to involve their processes to enhance climate action.

What is the uniqueness of your solution?

Higher frequency of delivery of numerically generated meteorological products to the end users on finer resolution with sufficient lead time for them to improve productivity of respective activity.
Large spectrum of social and economic facet is affected by subtle variation of weather on numerous spatial and temporal scales. It has an inescapable impact on every aspect of human activity on the surface of the earth and the space beyond. Right to information make it imperative that each one of us are weather-wise with weather intelligence in its basic and complex forms.
Primary aim of the company is to provide consultancy along with support systems in formulating a cohesive methodology for execution of all types of weather and environmental requirements of our customers and postulate long term meteorological support for enabling seamless business operations that commensurate cash flows. Hence, we provide weather related information on any spatial and temporal scale to meet the requirements of its customers in various strata of society and commercial setup.
As a company we execute projects which are crucial for forecasting severe weather events, extreme rainfall, cloud burst, high winds, track and intensity of tropical storms etc. We assure that we are fully aware of the ground truth and logistics which are essential to generate proposals as required, which are implementable and sustainable to perform the assigned task. During consultancy we will fully engage to fulfill a brief in terms of helping to find solutions to specific issues within constraints such as budget and resources agreed with the client. Our team is bound by a code of ethics to provide realistic operational recommendations that emanate through professional analysis and specialist expertise.
How does your startup generate revenue?
Weather service ranges from meteorological conditions and its explicit prediction that has a spectrum from a specific location on a microscale to a vast spatial distribution across the world, over a required time-frame. In a commercial scenario, necessity of weather service can be specific to an individual or a group to improve the profitability of their businesses.
Large spectrum of social and economic facet is affected by subtle variation of weather on numerous spatial and temporal scales. It has an inescapable impact on every aspect of human activity on the surface of the earth and the space beyond. Right to information make it imperative that each one of us are weather-wise with weather intelligence in its basic and complex forms.
Primary aim of the company is to provide consultancy along with support systems in formulating a cohesive methodology for execution of all types of weather and environmental requirements of our customers and postulate long term meteorological support for enabling seamless business operations that commensurate cash flows. Hence, this company provides weather related information on any spatial and temporal scale to meet the requirements of its customers in various strata of society and commercial setup.